Dymension and Evmos Testing Ethereum-Compatible Rollup for Cosmos Ecosystem



Dymension, a leading blockchain development company, has recently announced that it is working on an EVM-compatible Layer 2 rollup scaling solution that integrates with Cosmos, an ecosystem consisting of several Layer 1 blockchains. The aim is to make deploying and writing Ethereum applications a more seamless task, as it can be quite challenging due to the differences in coding between Cosmos and Ethereum.

As Cosmos generally lacks Layer 2 solutions, Dymension’s rollup will fill this gap. The Layer 2 rollup will be compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is a computing environment that Ethereum uses.

Currently in its testing phase, Dymension’s rollup will be launched as a Layer 2 solution on Evmos, a blockchain that is part of the Cosmos ecosystem. The company’s close collaboration with the Evmos core team and the use of a data availability protocol called Celestia has been instrumental in this project’s success.

Evmos Roadmap – Source: Evmos.org

“We’re excited to have worked closely with the Evmos team to achieve this milestone. With the world’s first IBC-enabled EVM rollup now deployed on the testnet, we’re one step closer to bringing scalable and interoperable blockchain solutions to the wider community,” said Yishay Harel, Dymension Lab’s CEO, and co-founder.

Dymension’s EVM-Compatible Rollups

Dymension’s team plans to create multiple EVM-compatible rollups that use a common software development kit, allowing them to operate on top of various Cosmos chains and communicate with those chains. The team is adopting a modular approach, and the IBC-enabled nature of Dymension’s rollups makes it possible to establish native connections with the entire Cosmos ecosystem of IBC blockchains without the need for bridges.


Dymension’s rollup represents a significant milestone for the Cosmos ecosystem, enabling developers to write and deploy Ethereum applications easily. The collaboration between Dymension and Evmos is sure to lead to more innovative solutions, and the prospect of scalable and interoperable blockchain solutions in the wider community is exciting. With the successful launch of the world’s first IBC-enabled EVM rollup on the testnet, it is clear that Dymension and Evmos are paving the way towards a more seamless and efficient blockchain experience.

Source: The Block

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